Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Wedding Anniversary Gift to Wife: Million Hits to the Site Specially Designed for Her

Wedding Anniversary Gift to Wife: Million Hits to the Site Specially Designed for Her

For the special love and chemistry that they share, Prasad has gifted Punam a special web-site called www.punam.me on their 11th wedding anniversary. He wants millions of people visiting the site and wishing her for the special day. It is a small way to shower his affection on the lode star of his life. And you know what? Everyone's invited. He has made a wish "One million people across the globe wishing them on the special day"… And he is asking to "bless his wish"

Mumbai, MH (PRWEB) February 3, 2009 -- It's been a love story that has survived the ravages of time. It all began 13 years ago when Punam and Prasad were studying management. It was just meant to be, love at first sight, an informal introduction and the two were bound for life.

Recounts Prasad, Co-Founder of Logicserve (www.logicserve.com), a Search Engine Marketing company.

"I was sitting at the back of my class and Punam entered. It was love at first sight." "I hesitantly asked her name and she replied Punam……Punam Prasad and instantly I knew that we already shared the same name, and perhaps a special bond."

Since then the two had a two year courtship and now have been happily married for 11 years. They tied the knot on 3rd February 1998 and here they are happily bonded in wedded bliss.

The two even joined their first job at Tata Infotech together. Then, over the years Prasad drifted towards entrepreneurship and Punam advanced towards a software career. Punam is currently works with Hexaware and Prasad has brought his passion for search engines alive. Prasad Co-Founded the company Logicserve, his baby of two years, which is now a full fledged SEM initiative employing the best minds in the business.

Prasad can't stop praising Punam. For 11 years the two have supported each other. In Prasad's own words, "Punam has always supported me through thick and thin. She was there when I was struggling. She was my pillar of strength when I was down in the dumps. She is, as you say, the wind beneath my wings."

For the special love and chemistry that they share, Prasad has gifted Punam a special web-site called www.punam.me on their 11th wedding anniversary. He wants millions of people visiting the site and wishing her for the special day. It is a small way to shower his affection on the lode star of his life. And you know what? Everyone's invited.

He has made a wish "One million people across the globe wishing them on the special day"… And he is asking to "bless his wish"

His message to his wife is:

I have said it on all those "start and ends" of the day, all those end of phone calls, all those little opportunities to say "I love You" … and today, saying those words on a web page….

I Love You … Happy Wedding Anniversary

Thanks for holding my hand and soaring high along with me when I wanted to touch the zenith

Thanks for holding my hand and pulling me back to solid ground when I wanted to sink to the nadir…

Thanks for just being there as you are all these years. Thanks for making my life a great journey which I would embark on again and again, with you sitting next to me ….

Thanks for truly being "The Wind Beneath my wings"…

And yes of course thanks for the two sweet little girls who make my days even brighter…



Contact Information Prasad Shejale





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