Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Small Business Referral Stimulus Package

The Small Business Referral Stimulus Package

As the talk of recession crowds the news and the economic stimulus package debate rages on in Washington DC, John Jantsch, author of Duct Tape Marketing, determined it was time for small businesses to take matters into their own hands. Therefore he is declaring March 9-13, 2009 - Make a Referral Week.

Kansas City, Missouri (PRWEB) February 17, 2009 -- As the talk of recession crowds the news and the economic stimulus package debate rages on in Washington DC, John Jantsch, author of Duct Tape Marketing, determined it was time for small businesses to take matters into their own hands. Therefore he is declaring March 9-13, 2009 - Make a Referral Week.

Make a Referral Week is an entrepreneurial approach to stimulating the small business economy one referred business at a time. The goal for the week is to generate 1000 referred leads to 1000 deserving small businesses in an effort to highlight the impact of how this simple action can blossom into millions of dollars in new business.

"Small business is the lifeblood and job-creating engine of the economy and merits the positive attention so often saved for corporate bailout stories," declared Jantsch

Jantsch is not alone in support of this notion as sponsors such as Microsoft Office Live, Intuit, Sage, BNI, iLinc, Palo Alto Software, Infusionsoft, Printing4Less, and Vertical Response have joined the effort to help spread the word about this positive event.

The weeklong virtual event will also feature daily education programs focused on teaching small business owners and other marketers how to tap the power of referral marketing. Featured guest experts include Ivan Misner, founder of BNI and author Masters of Networking, Bob Burg, author of Endless Referrals and the Go-Giver, Bill Cates, author of Get More Referrals Now, Andy Sernovitz, author of Word of Mouth Marketing, Guy Kawasaki, author of Reality Check, Rich Sloan, author of StartUpNation, Anita Campbell, publisher of Small Business Trends, Scott Allen, author of the Virtual Handshake, John Jantsch, author of Duct Tape Marketing, Scott Ginsberg of Nametag TV, Michael Port, author of the Contrarian Effect and Book Yourself Solid, Susan Solovic Wilson, founder of SBTV.com and Pam Slim, author Escape from Cubicle Nation.

Individuals around the globe will be invited to make at least one referral to a small business and visit Make a Referral Week (http://www.MakeAReferralWeek.com) web site to share the referral details, including information on why they referred a particular business. Each day during the week one referral story will be chosen as the "best referral of the day" and the referred business and referral source will each win a Referral Gift Prize featuring signed books from recognized referral experts.

The Refer-O-Meter will monitor the march towards 1000 referrals given throughout the week.

More information here - makeareferralweek.com (http://www.makeareferralweek.com)


Contact Information JOHN JANTSCH

Duct Tape Marketing



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