Monday, February 9, 2009 Launches At First-Ever User Generated Content Conference & Expo Launches At First-Ever User Generated Content Conference & Expo is the new home on the web for creators and producers of User Generated Content. Includes information, tools, and services for expanding the marketing, distribution, and sales opportunities for User Generated Content. Tagline is "Building The User Generated Economy."

San Jose, CA (PRWEB) February 9, 2009 -- ( launched today at the first User Generated Content Conference & Expo in San Jose, California.

Finally, all those people producing User Generated Content have a place on the web where they can find a market for their content as well as find each other, and that place is named, simply enough,

Additionally, producers of User Generated Content can use to find information about products that will help them improve the quality of their content, and techniques that will assist them in honing their craft.

THE USER GENERATED ECONOMY will start off as an industry blog and directory, as well as a social network where producers of User Generated Content ( can display information about themselves and the content they have produced. Within one year, plans to provide content producers with new ways to market, distribute, and sell their content, resulting in a new User Generated Economy.

"There is so much content being produced today by users on the web, it's astounding," says Chris Andrews, the Executive Producer of

"There are truly some great production tools, and loads of people with the skills to create different content," continues Mr. Andrews. "That includes video of important or interesting events, short films, tweets, mobile broadcasting, photos, music, audiobooks, ebooks, and all that content being created around blogs and social networks. The issue is, what else can you do with the content once it has been created?"

Dan Poynter, author of over 100 books including 'The Self Publishing Manual' (in its 16th edition) and widely recognized as the 'Godfather of Self Publishing' says, "Book publishing is rapidly moving into ebooks, where it is not necessary to go through a publisher. The result is user generated and user published content. Authors can avoid the gatekeepers and publish themselves."

Mr. Poynter continues, ", a central place for user generated content creators to market their work and meet each other, is an important next step forward."

Only days ago, Mr. Poynter took his own advice about avoiding gatekeepers and moving into ebooks and he published 'The Self Publishing Manual' himself in ebook form using Smashwords, a self-publishing platform and online bookstore for independent ebook authors and their readers.


Does this mean that producers of Youtube videos will now sell their content rather than share it?

"I'd like the person who created the content, to have the maximum flexibility over what they do with their creation. The own it. And remember, since they do not create their video with YouTube, they merely distribute it, there is nothing stopping them from selling their video through other means. I think of what we are going to do at as going from 'User Generated Vanity to a User Generated Economy."

Mr. Andrews background in User Generated Content began when he launched the first CD and CD-ROM Recorder, also known as a "CD Burner," in 1989. This was the first technology allowing computer users direct control over creating and distributing high-quality content such as photos, video, multimedia ebooks, and music. Formerly the Executive Producer of the Grammy Webcast, Mr. Andrews is currently producing, , and

The User Generated Content Conference & Expo ( is being by produced by, which provides important news, information, and resources for the publishing industry. This includes editors, writers, producers, graphic designers, book publishers, and others in industries including magazines, television, film, radio, newspapers, book publishing, online media, advertising, PR, and design. is owned by Jupitermedia (Nasdaq: JUPM), whose CEO is Alan Meckler. Mr. Meckler conceived of the idea for the User Generated Content Expo. Mr. Meckler, coincidentally, was the leading publisher and event producer in the digital media industry, which includes such technologies as the CD and CD Recorder, at the same time Mr. Andrews launched the CD Recorder. is a new website for creators and producers of User Generated Content. Chris Andrews ( is the Executive Producer. He can be reached at chris (at) chrisandrews (dot) com.

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Contact Information CHRIS ANDREWS


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